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Traisoft Partners

Traisoft Technology is an indigenous company comprising of software developers and consultants. Our mission is to solve problems using indigenous products and talents.

Our engineers have cumulative decades of experience covering Universal Banking Solutions, Treasury Solutions, Loan Appriasal and Risk Management Systems, Data Management etc.

We also offer Software as a Service (SaaS) for schools, hotels and human resources management.

Types Partners


This is where you earn 20% commission on every successful referral to any of our products once the client pays. Note the 20% commisstion will be gotten from their first subscription on the product they were referred. You can always check your partner's dashboard to recognise each organisation you referred, how much their first subscription is, and what you have been paid so far.

Business Partnership:

This is the type of partnership where a marketting company, is coming on boarding to market our product(s). In this case, the company has the liberty to negotiate what the terms of the agreement will be. The agreement will be reviewed every two years.

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Our Products


School Management System

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Elite Functionalities

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